Is your website easy to understand?

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One of the big mistakes businesses make with their content is loading it with business jargon. They think it sounds more professional but it actually works against them.

Your content should be easy to understand, you do not need to use business jargon to prove to your industry colleagues you are smart enough. You need to use words that your customers understand. Be authentic and connect with your customers using simple, easy to understand language so they can clearly see what you are about.

Novices feel the need to use business jargon so they can impress people and look like they have a whole lot of knowledge. Smart marketers use simple easy to understand language that connects with potential clients.

So, go check your website, newsletters and social media posts and see if you are acting like a novice or if you are doing your best to connect with your customers.

Have a great weekend. I hope you found this helpful.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Diabetes Clinic - Autumn Recipes 2019

Download the Autumn Recipe Cook from Julie Buckley

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It is our pleasure to offer you this Autumn cookbook as we welcome in the autumn days. These recipes support diabetics with low carb, healthy fat eating. The recipes are also healthy and a good choice for all the family.

Eating in season is ancient wisdom. Nature tells us precisely what foods are right for the body for each season. These recipes will nourish your body with nutrients and send messages to your hormonal system that you are full and satisfied. When we eat real food that the body was designed to eat, we cannot overeat as there are inbuilt systems to pick up the signals that suggest all is well and as it should be.

Eating real food also gives the body a chance to stop inflammation and constant attacks on our immune system. We can invite healing to occur and get to reset hunger and cravings back to a 'normal' state.

The Diabetes Clinic promotes 'back to basics' and 'home made' as two strategies to restore health, just like our grandparents did (and had to).

Thank you for your interest in our recipes. We hope these bring renewed enthusiasm for healing and eating real food.

Wishing a healthy, happy life!

Kimba Lawrence
Diabetes Clinic

Download the Recipe Book HERE

Marketing 101 - Branding versus Direct Marketing


What is Branding?

Branding, by definition, in marketing is when a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services. Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers, but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you offer that makes you the better choice. Your brand is built to be a true representation of who you are as a business, and how you wish to be perceived.

Marketing your brand.

When you start out in business one of the first jobs you must do is let people know about your brand. Brand marketing is the well-strategised action of promoting the brand, letting people know what who you are and what you are about. Great branding will help the company build trust with consumers, potential clients and customers. People are more likely to do business with a company they recognise and trust.

Many small business owners disregard the power of building a brand because they expect instant results if they pay for any type of advertising. The smart business owner understands the power of persistent and consistent promotion of their brand, building recognition and the trust with people who may not only buy from you but are highly likely recommend you to other people they know.

The action of Branding and Brand Advertising generally helps a business understand the profile of their ideal customer.

Not neccessarily measurable

Branding is difficult to measure, however most major brands we buy today spend a large amount of their marketing budget on this activity - should you?

What is Direct Marketing?

Direct marketing is the method of presenting information about your company, product, or service to your target customer without the use of an advertising middleman. It is a targeted form of marketing that presents information of potential interest to a consumer that has been determined to be a likely buyer.

Example: Subscribers of Surfing magazines might be presented with Facebook ads for new surfboard wax, based on their age, they are likely to need. Or members of the Waikanae Football Club sent an email with an offer for a 20% discount from the local Football Boot supplier.

Common forms of direct marketing include:

  • Brochures

  • Catalogues

  • Fliers (Example: The local lawn mower service dropping fliers in homes with unruly lawns)

  • Newsletters

  • Fridge Magnets

  • Post cards

  • Coupons

  • Emails

  • Targeted online display ads

  • Phone calls

  • Text messages

  • Facebook messages (A favourite of mine)

Direrct Marketing Goals

Direct marketing’s sole goal is to persuade the recipient to act. While getting a sale is the goal, some customers will not be ready to buy on-the-spot. But they might:

• Visit a website

• Call for more information

• Return a postcard requesting a quote

• Enter their name and email address

• Make a purchase

Unlike mass advertising, which is presented to everyone, direct marketing is presented to the people who are most likely to have an interest or need in your product or service.

You can make the message personal, making the recipient feel it is meant just for them

It is more cost-effective to market to buyers who have been identified as likely to buy

For that reason, it also has a higher return on investment, since the likelihood of making a sale to a targeted customer list is higher to begin with.

It is measurable.

Direct marketing uses several built-in ways to track the success of each campaign, allowing you to improve with each mail or email cycle.

If you would like more marketing and digital marketing tips subscribe to my message system

I hope you found this helpful.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

What experience does your customer receive?

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

People think marketing is about good-looking logos, clever advertising creative or simply their product or service.

What happens when we ask the question ‘what experience does our customer receive when they engage with us?’ This is the question that will lead to (I hope) a winning formula for your business.

The world has changed, and your customer will use the same digital approach you took to reach thousands of potential customers to tell the same people what buying from you really is like.

Careful consideration is needed when looking at the experience a customer has when they first get introduced to your business, their experience while buying and their experience when being a repeat or loyal customer.

In the digital age the goal to convert customers into advocates has never been so important. Reviews on Google, Social Media and most industry related portals can be the making or killing of a business.

The key to being successful is to provide not just a great product or service but to provide outstanding service (appropriate to the product or service you provide). Sometimes it can be a simple thing that you do for your clients that will set you apart from your competitors.

If you are struggling to find a solution find help. This is so important. Especially now with many businesses focused on volume and systems and not even thinking about the journey the customer has with them.

So have a look at what happens when a customer buy’s from you. Happy customers become you best sales people. Attention to this will not only give you a great business now but provide the key to your success long into the future.

I hope you found this helpful.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Do you enjoy the content you write about?


In a digital world that demands content every week, in some cases everyday it becomes very easy just to ‘post’ whatever you can find on the day. However, while many people are focusing on ‘getting the job done’ those that take the time to create and/or source content they love win.

Great content is vital in a world where people are bombarded with content on a minute by minute basis through email, social media and now messaging.

To ensure you provide great content you need to 1) make a plan. 2) give yourself time to create content 3) find third party content that ‘fits’ your audience.

The 30% rule still applies today - that is you only need 30% of your content to be about your products/services. however, the other 70% needs to be valuable information that adds value to the people who have signed up to your newsletter, ‘liked’ your Facebook page or follow you on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Tip. To find great third-party content set Google Alerts on the key words that match your services, industry of geography. As you receive these feeds in your email inbox take time to consider “Do I enjoy this content”. If the answer is yes, you may use it to inspire you own writing on the subject or in some cases share this content with your audience (crediting the original source).

Over time you will look for people to collaborate with that may provide great content you enjoy. This maybe paid content (you buy) or as you grow content that helps the other party grow.

Hoping you found this helpful?

Happy Posting.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Herbed Chicken Drumsticks - Julie Buckley

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A tasty marinade for chicken the whole family will love. Use plenty of herbs and swap around to vary the flavour depending on what is available.

Herbed Chicken Drumsticks

2 Chicken drumsticks per person
A handful each of fresh parsley, mint and oregano 
You can also add other herbs depending on what you like or have on hand such as rosemary, sage, basil, thyme, lemon balm etc - the more the merrier
1 small red onion diced
2 Tbsp Fish sauce
Juice of a lemon
3 cloves garlic crushed
1 small red chilli seeds removed and finely chopped
1 Tbsp tamari
2 Tbsp olive oil
½ tsp sea salt or Himalayan salt

Place all of the marinade ingredients into a blender and pulse until a paste is formed.

With a knife cut slashes into the meaty part of the chicken drumsticks. Place in a roasting dish and spoon over the marinade and with gloves on massage the marinade over the chicken making sure you get it right into the cuts.

Cover the chicken and place in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius. Pour ½ cup of water into the baking tray to make sure the marinade doesn’t burn. Roast for 30-40 minutes until the chicken is golden and the juices run clear when the thickest part is pierced with a knife.

This chicken is also great on the barbeque but make sure it is cooked more slowly. Always check it is cooked right through and is not pink in the middle.

Healthy Eating

-Julie Buckley (Coach/Chef)
Diabetes Clinic New Zealand

If you know someone who would like to reverse pre-diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes get them to message the Diabetes Clinic here

or visit

Using high quality images with your digital marketing

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

“ A picture paints a thousand words”

I believe the original quote was actually 'A picture is worth ten thousand words' as stated by Fred R. Barnard, of Printers' Ink, 10 March 1927.

Anyway, pictures are so important for your website, blogs and social media marketing these days. However, most small businesses cannot afford to get high quality photos for every piece of work they produce that requires an image so what do you do?

1.    Learn how to take great photos yourself. With today’s technology most of us can take a half decent photo using our cell phones. I use an iPhone, but I have seen great images from other phones as well. It is worth taking a lesson or two to get the basics right and then yu have the means to do a fair percent of your own images. Tip: Horizontal photos work best.

2.    Negotiate. I use local photographers from time to time most are willing to negotiate, and it is worth getting some great customises images for your website.

3.    Use to find images for adverts, blogs etc especially when you want something that fits a theme or style you want to use. They have regular specials if you sign up for the newsletter. Images will cost you between $20-$50 but it is worth the investment at times.

4.    Use UnSplash for FREE images (this is one of my favourite image sites). I use this for adverts and blogs. Not the same collection as iStock but cannot beat the value - remember to credit the photographer (this is why they placed the image on the site). Sometimes it is not quite appropriate but try to give them credit if you can.

5.    Use Pixabay for FREE images very similar to Unsplash and you will see images from same photographers. Same conditions apply - credit the photographer if you can.

There are few other sites which charge you a minimal amount to buy ‘Royalty Free’ images and I am sure there will be a lot more soon. look at as another option to add to your list. The point is there are loads of ways to find great images.

I personally think it is wise to invest but given time constraints and budgets the options above should help you out.

Hope you found this article helpful - if you liked it please ‘like’ my Facebook page and send me a message this will add you to my list of people to notify when I post again.

Happy Posting.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Zucchini and Feta Tart - Julie Buckley


Zucchinis are abundant in my garden at the moment so are going into a lot of meals. This is a lovely option for lunch or dinner with a green salad. It can also be made without the pastry to make a lovely frittata which could be made in muffin tins for a great breakfast or lunch option.

Zucchini and Feta Tart

Serves 4-6 people

3/4c ground almonds
1/2c coconut flour
1/4c coconut oil melted
3Tbsp psyllium husks
1 egg
1tsp sea salt
2-3 Tbsp cold water

6 eggs
1/2c cream
2 zucchini sliced thinly lengthwise
1 red capsicum, seeds removed and sliced thinly
75g feta cheese
½ tsp sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celcius. To make the pastry mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Mix in the beaten egg and melted coconut oil. You may need to gradually add in enough cold water to help form a stiff dough. Wrap in plastic and place in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Prepare a round or rectangle flan tin by lightly greasing with coconut or olive oil (mine is a loose bottom tin to make removal easier). Roll out the pastry until 2-3mm thick between 2 sheets of baking paper. Remove the top layer of baking paper and gently flip the pastry over. It is likely to break but patch up any patches or cracks by pressing the pastry together. Bake for 10 minutes. Cool before adding the filling.

Thinly slice the zucchini with a mandolin or vegetable peeler into thin strips and roll up. Stand the zucchini rolls on their ends and scatter the red capsicum and crumbled feta over. Beat together the eggs and cream with the salt and pepper and pour evenly into the pastry case over the vegetables.

Bake for 30 minutes or until the filling is puffed and golden and set in the middle.

Healthy Eating

-Julie Buckley (Coach/Chef)
Diabetes Clinic New Zealand

If you know someone who would like to reverse pre-diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes get them to message the Diabetes Clinic here

or visit